Various organizations, business tycoons and some industrial giants in the trade industry is drumming to sponsor the Nigeria - Japan Trade Mission and Business Delegation 2021
The Nigeria - Japan Trade Mission and Business Delegation which is powered by Trade Nigeria in partnership with various organizations and Globe Chamber of Commerce is scheduled to hold in grand Hilton, Tokyo, Japan from the 3rd to 10th of June 2021, have received endorsement massively from various organizations, states, trade union and the federal ministries and international organizations. Various organizations, business tycoons and some industrial giants in the trade industry is drumming to sponsor the program that is designed to protect and promote the Nigeria brand to further strengthen foreign Direct Investment. This event is solemnly designed to strengthen our bilateral trade relationship, support and promote business development between Nigeria and Japan. Also, It will assist individuals and companies participating to find overseas partners, license technology that will help them expand and grow internationally. In addition, it will bring together thousands of high-le...